

Turbocharge Your React Apps with Million.js

By Tazwar Islam

As developers, our goal is to create web applications that are both enjoyable to use and fast. React is a popular tool for making the visual parts of these apps, but making them fast can be tough. Luckily, there's an exciting solution called Million.js that can make your React apps much faster.

What is Million.js?

Million.js is a simple JavaScript framework created by Vladimir Shebanov. It's kind of like React, but smaller and faster. The main idea is to make your apps work quickly without being complicated. The basic part of Million.js is really small, less than 10KB. This helps apps run fast and stay flexible.

make React js 70% faster!

Getting Started

To begin using Million.js, you should have a basic grasp of React and JavaScript. It's also useful to know about building components and managing state in React. Now, let's explore the steps to effectively use Million.js in your React projects

Step 1: Installation

To set up Million.js in your project, just enter the following command in your project directory:

npm install million-js

Step 2: Creating Your First Million.js Component

Million.js embraces a component-based approach, just like React. Start by creating a new file for your Million.js component and import the necessary dependencies:

import {(h, text, app)} from 'million-js';

Next, define your component using the app function:

const MyComponent = app(() => {
  return h('div', {}, [text('Hello!')]);

In this example, we define a simple component that renders a div element with the text "Hello!".

Step 3: Mounting the Component

To render your Million.js component, use the mount function and specify the target element in your HTML:

const targetElement = document.getElementById('root');
mount(MyComponent, targetElement);

Ensure that you have an HTML element with the ID ‘root’ where your component will be mounted.

Enhancing Performance with Million.js

Now that you've got a basic Million.js component running, let's dig into some key features and techniques to make your React apps faster:

  • Virtual DOM: Million.js uses a lightweight virtual DOM setup. This means it updates and renders efficiently. By changing only the necessary parts of your UI, Million.js reduces the need to mess with the actual webpage structure, which improves how well your app runs.
  • Reactive State Management: Million.js offers a way to handle your app's state (like data or settings) in a reactive way. This just means that when you change something, the app quickly updates to show that change. This keeps your app looking smooth and responsive.
  • Routing Made Easy: Routing, or directing users to different parts of your app, is important. Million.js comes with its own built-in system for this. With Million.js, you can say where different sections of your app are and how users get there. This helps your users move around your app smoothly.
  • Component-based Architecture: Million.js encourages you to make reusable parts of your app called components. These parts can be put together like building blocks, which makes your code easier to manage and reuse. It's like putting LEGO pieces together to build something cool.


With its lightweight architecture and performance-focused features, Million.js empowers developers to create lightning-fast React applications. By leveraging its virtual DOM, reactive state management, component-based architecture, and built-in routing system, you can optimize your app’s performance while maintaining a clean and efficient codebase. So, if you’re looking to supercharge your React apps with speed and simplicity, give Million.js a try and unlock a new level of performance in your web development projects. Happy coding!